The Texas A&M University-San Antonio Library is committed to helping you get your work out to the world. One way we do this is by supporting Open Access publishing. We have agreements in place with some publishers to completely cover (Cambridge, ACM) or offer reduced (Elsevier/MDPI) Article Processing Charges (APCs), making Open Access publishing an affordable option for our faculty. If the journal you want to publish with doesn't offer an Open Access option, we can also work with you to get a version of the article uploaded into our institutional repository, Digital Commons @ Texas A&M University-San Antonio. If you have any questions about Open Access publishing, please get in touch with your subject librarian or with Deirdre McDonald, Head of Research Services.
100% of your APCs with Cambridge University Press journals are covered under our Read and Publish agreement. This agreement allows you to choose open access options with hundreds of CUP journals with no cost to you. There are just a few conditions that you need to consider before submitting. Your work must:
That's it! To take advantage of this program, just submit your articles through CUP's regular submission system, making sure to use Texas A&M University-San Antonio as your affiliation (this can be done with your ORCID ID, too). Once your article is accepted, you'll get additional instructions on how to take advantage of the Read and Publish agreement. If you have any questions or run into any obstacles during the process, please get in touch.
As part of the Texas Library Coalition for United Access (TLCUA) agreement with Elsevier, Texas A&M University-San Antonio affiliated faculty now have access to discounted article publishing charges for many Elsevier journals. Hybrid journals qualify for a 10% reduction in fees, and Gold OA journals qualify for a 15% reduction in fees. To qualify, you must be the corresponding author. Please contact the library if you have any questions.
Publish your work with any MDPI journal and get reduced fees on your APCs. To qualify for the fee reduction, at least one author must have institutional affiliation with A&M-SA. Institutional discounts are applied automatically, so there is nothing else you will need to do to qualify.
You can find a list of MDPI journals here.
We have entered into a transformational publishing agreement with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) that will cover article processing charges when publishing research articles with ACM journals. This agreement is part of ACM Open, a new initiative from the association to make their publications open access.
If you are interested in submitting to ACM and publishing open access, the only thing that you will need to do is to make sure that you are using your A&M-SA email address. This will allow ACM to recognize you as part of this agreement. After that, you will receive more information from the publisher on how to proceed. If you have any questions or problems with the submission process, please let us know.