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Academic Tools for the Research Process



This guide includes a series of tutorials which provide a general overview of the research process and writing styles. Remember, this guide is to get you started. Reach out to library personal or the Writing Lab for further assistance.  

Using the Guide

  • The left column provides a menu of content covered in the guide.
  • Click on a bar to open the page of content related to that topic (For example, "Introduction to the Research Process")
  • On each page of content, you should see tabbed boxes. Be sure to work through all the pages included for each tab. (See screenshot below.)
  • When you have completed the pages for each tab of every box, you are ready to take the quiz!
  • Double check with your course instructor for how to show that you have successfully completed any required quizzes.
  • Again, if you get stuck, reach out to a subject librarian below for assistance!

Screenshot showing sample page

The image below explains that within each videos and tutorials area you are to open the tabs left to right, and that you may complete each section by clicking the next button. 

Screenshot highlighting tabs and Next in tutorials

Need Further Assistance?

The Texas A&M University-San Antonio, University Library is located in the College of Business and Library Building at the Main Campus. Library help is available during the library's hours of operation or contact us directly for individualized help. 

You can find more library tutorials on your subject library research guides. Below you can link out to a list of guides created by your subject librarians.

College of Arts and Sciences tutorials are located on the pages created and maintained by Megan Gonzales and Alexandra Quintero Deleon. History tutorials are located on the pages created and maintained by Leslie Stapleton.

College of Education tutorials are located on the pages created and maintained by Kimberly Grotewold 

College of Business tutorials are located on the pages created and maintained by Rachel Pecotte

First Year Experience tutorials are located on the pages created and maintained by Bryant Moore