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Special Education Research Guide

A guide for students in EDSE courses

About the Library Catalog

Use the Library Catalog to Find E-books, Print Books, Multimedia, and Curriculum Materials

Note: If you are looking for peer-reviewed articles, use databases on the Find Articles page of this guide.

Search A&M-SA's Library Catalog

Suggested Subject Searches

Subject Searches (Controlled Vocabulary)

  • These links will take you to example subject searches in the library catalog. The search will show you e-book and print book results from libraries around the United States, with the titles held at Texas A&M University-San Antonio appearing at the top of the list. To borrow a print book from another library, click on the title and then under Check Availability, select the "Request item via ILL" button. Using TexShare is another option for items held by participating Texas libraries.
  • NOTE: These subject searches are based on subject heading categorizations as determined (often long ago) by the Library of Congress. While the Library of Congress has done some work to remove outdated, discriminatory, and sometimes racist category descriptions/hierarchies, these efforts have been incomplete. The selected example searches below are included as a way to retrieve more results to a search that may not be discovered otherwise, but in many cases, keyword searches are sufficient and may be preferred in the cases of non-inclusive language.
  • These searches may return very large numbers of results and additional narrowing is recommended.

Sample Books for Special Education Topics