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Self Service Library Instruction

Step One: Get the Embed Code

You can add any of the Credo videos and tutorials to your Blackboard course in just two easy steps.  The first step is to get the embed code for the video/tutorial you want to use.  You will find these as Word documents at the end of each section of the Credo "How To Research"  Modules By Topic Area.  Open the document, find your embed code and copy the section after the title from <iframe  all the way to  /iframe>.  

Embed Code Example

Step Two: Create an Item in Blackboard

For the second step, you will need to go into your Blackboard course and add the video/tutorial.  To do this, go to the build content menu and choose create--item.

Create an item

Once the create an item page opens, you need to give the item a name and then choose the html option for entering information into the text box.

Choose html

Selecting html will open a box where you can paste in the embed code.  Paste the code, click update, and you will return to the item page.  Click on the submit button and the video/tutorial will be embedded directly into your course.

Paste in code and submit

Here's an example of how the library is using these in the STAR course.  In this example, the item is part of a Blackboard Learning Module.

Student view example

Additional Information

Your students will be able to view these videos directly in Blackboard if they are on campus.  They will also be able to view them in Blackboard off campus, but, before they can see the videos, they will need to authenticate via the library's proxy server. If they haven't already been using library resources during their current browsing session, your students will see this login screen instead of the video. 

Off campus login

From this screen, they simply login with their user name and password (the same information used to log into Blackboard) and they will get to the videos.