Below are links that will bring you to a result list to books related to the corresponding subject heading. While the subject headings below are fairly simple and are meant for a broad search, there are more that are complex and will help you narrow your search.
Technology & Engineering -- Engineering (General)
Electrical Engineering -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
To find subject headings from the catalog results list page, click on the title of the item you are interested in. The subject headings assigned to that item will be located at the bottom of the page or in a box on the upper right hand side labeled "subjects". Click on the relevant subject heading to retrieve more items in the same category.
The A&M-SA Library catalog gives you the information you will need to locate books, whether they are available online (E-Books) or on the bookshelves in the library, or both! Book titles, authors, and subject headings (like "engineering") are commonly used to find books.
Here are some the steps to find books: