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About the Library Catalog

Use the Library Catalog to Find E-books, Print Books, Multimedia, and Curriculum Materials

Note: If you are looking for peer-reviewed articles, use databases on the Find Articles page of this guide.

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Featured Books

The Bloombury Handbook of Rural Education in the United States

"Examines the ways in which definitions, histories, policies and demographic changes influence rural schools." Also describes "how corporatization, population changes, poverty, and the role of data affect everyday learning in rural schools." 

Navigating the American Education System: Four Latino Success Stories

"Showcases the educational journey of four Latino/a men and women who navigated the American education system successfully. Their success is significant given the multiple and varied challenges that most Latinos/as encounter throughout the K-20 educational continuum."

Educational Technology Beyond Content: A New Focus for Learning

"Argues that informational content should not be the main element of education." Therefore, technology should not just provide a container for content but rather should engage learners in developing abilities to "synthesize, solve problems, and generate ideas."

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment: Intersecting New Needs and New Approaches

Middle school students "experience more complicated lives as influences of the broader society including popular media and technology, immigration and cultural diversity, amplified political divisiveness, and bullying effect their daily lives both in and out of school." Therefore students and their teachers need social emotional supports.

Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom, Second Edition

"Provides a best-practice guide to planning and implementing social and emotional learning (SEL) in K-12 classrooms and schools." Includes strategies for integration with academic content and mental health interventions, creating culturally affirming instruction, using assessment effectively, and supporting educators' SE needs,

Research Design in Education & Social Sciences

Need to Design a Research Study? These Resources Can Help.