“TexShare is a cooperative program designed to improve service to Texans. Members include public libraries that belong to the regional library systems, academic libraries, and libraries of clinical medicine. TexShare enables libraries to offer a broader range of materials and services than any single library can provide for its constituents.”
-Texas State Library and Archives Commission
For more information about this service, visit the TexShare Card Program page on the Texas State Library and Archives Commission website.
TexShare cards are available in the library during normal hours of operation. Stop by with your current A&M-SA ID and pick up a TexShare card at your convenience. For students, the cards will be valid through the last day of classes each semester, therefore students will need to get a new card each semester. For faculty and staff the cards will be valid through the academic year which starts the first day of the fall semester and runs through the last day of classes during the summer session.
The TexShare card allows students, faculty, and staff to check out library books (and some other materials) from area libraries. To locate books available at area libraries search the library's catalog.
It is very important to return materials borrowed with your TexShare card on time to the library you borrowed them from so as not to jeopardize borrowing privileges for other A&M-SA patrons. If borrowed materials are not returned on time, patrons will be blocked from using the University Library's materials and will be billed for overdue or lost items by the lending library.