Archives and Special Collections, University Library: Visiting the Archives

Hours of Operation

Tips on Visiting the Archives & Special Collections

Archives & Special Collections staff can assist you in accessing material in the collection, however because our collection is housed off-site there will be a paging delay.  Please plan in advance to allow two to three days for staff to retrieve your requested items before your appointment.  To schedule a research appointment please contact Archives & Special Collections at (210) 784-1512 or

  • Appointments are generally made at between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Appointments can be made via email at or by calling (210) 784-1512.

  • Bring a jacket. The air is maintained at a cool temperature in order to preserve the archival materials. 

  • Be prepared to read and sign the A&SC use policies, including but not limited to the Research Policy & Reading Room Rules. Personal bags and backpacks mjust be kept off to the side while materials are in use. No materials leave the Reading Room.  

  • When making your appointment, know what items you want to view by checking the library catalog. If you are not sure about specific titles or documents but have a topic, staff can help you determine which items in the collection would be useful.  All materials are stored off-site and must be retrieved before your visit.