Below are links to various digital collections that contain a variety of primary sources such as images, literature, oral histories,government documents, newspapers and other historical documents. This is just a sample of collections that are available to researchers.
*Search tip: When searching, remember that the indigenous peoples of the Americas have only been called "Native Americans" for the last 40 years. Documents from before this time period will refer to "Indians" or "American Indians" or "Native American Indians".
This collection contains primary source materials, such as original manuscripts, maps, ephemeral material and rare printed sources pertaining to a variety of topics of the American West: Gold Rush, pioneers, explorers, hunters, Native Americans, railroads, etc.
Note: When trying to access this resource, you may encounter a warning "Your connection is not private". Simply click the "Advanced" button at the bottom left of that page, then click "Proceed to (unsafe)" to access this resource. You are seeing this warning because this resource currently does not use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).
This website includes the texts of the nine remaining treaties created between American Indian tribes and the United States government from 1722 to 1805. Also provides links to all other early treaties.
Note: When trying to access this resource, you may encounter a warning "Your connection is not private". Simply click the "Advanced" button at the bottom left of that page, then click "Proceed to (unsafe)" to access this resource. You are seeing this warning because this resource currently does not use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).
A digital file covering the history of every American territory before it became an American state, covering 1764-1953. Includes series 1-4.
This two-part collection provides primary and secondary sources on American history from early settlers through the end of World War II through correspondence, diaries, government documents, photographs, newspapers, broadsides, artwork, and more.
Note: When trying to access this resource, you may encounter a warning "Your connection is not private". Simply click the "Advanced" button at the bottom left of that page, then click "Proceed to (unsafe)" to access this resource. You are seeing this warning because this resource currently does not use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).
This database contains documents, reports, and other detailed information from both the House and the Senate dating back to 1789. Includes Congressional Record and US Serial Set Collections 1 and 2A-E, 1789-2011.
A comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. The database covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples.
Note: When trying to access this resource, you may encounter a warning "Your connection is not private". Simply click the "Advanced" button at the bottom left of that page, then click "Proceed to (unsafe)" to access this resource. You are seeing this warning because this resource currently does not use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).
This collection covers U.S. Latino and Hispanic history, literature, political commentary, civil rights, religious thought, culture, and women writers. Formats include pamphlets and broadsides, newspapers, monographs, etc. Most content is in Spanish.
A digital library of over 2 million images from museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists covering the areas of anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art history, fashion & costume, literature, religion, theater, world history, and more.
The premier collection of periodicals published between 1684 and 1912 in America. This collection documents American life from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Searchable digital facsimiles of thousands of American newspapers, including eyewitness reporting, editorials, letters, advertisements, and obituaries. This collection chronicles the evolution of culture and daily life from 1690 to the recent past.
A digital newspaper archive that includes cover-to-cover full-text and full-image articles starting from the 19th century. Includes news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, birth and marriage announcements, advertisements, etc.
Includes: Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Daily World, Austin American Statesman, The Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Sun, Boston Globe, Chicago Defender, Chicago Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, Cleveland Call and Post, Los Angeles Sentinel, Los Angeles Times, Louisville Defender, Michigan Chronicle, New York Amsterdam News, The New York Times, Norfolk Journal and Guide, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Tribune, Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.
Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends that align with curricular areas such as Political Science, English, Sociology, Humanities, Business, International Studies and more. Features reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national and local news sources. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.
This site allows users access to scanned newspaper pages from 1880-1910 for newspapers published in the United States. Users also have the ability to find information about published American newspapers from 1690 to the present.
Search and browse The New York Times from 1851-present. Users must go through the library’s link to register for an account. Once registered, an account is valid for one year and may be used to access The New York Times website directly.
Creating an Account with the New York Times:
On the New York Times page, click on the Create Account link.
You must use your university email when registering. For example:
You will have access to the New York Times for one year.
Questions? Call the University Library at 210-784-1500.