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Jaguar Tracks II

Navigation Instructions

Using the Guide

  • The left column provides a menu of content covered in the guide.
  • Click on a bar to open the page of content related to that topic (For example, "Choosing a Topic")
  • On each page of content, you should see tabbed boxes. Be sure to work through all the pages included for each tab. (See screenshot below.)
  • Click on the play icon to watch each of the videos.
  • When you have completed the pages for each tab of every box, you are ready to take the quiz!
  • Check with your Jaguar Tracks II instructor for how to show that you have successfully completed quiz.
  • Remember to reach out to your First-Year Experience Librarian or the library staff for assistance!



Learning Objectives

By the time you complete this module, you will able to:

  • Construct effective search strategies
  • Select and retrieve relevant information sources from database searching
  • Create accurate citations
  • Understand what it means to synthesize information
  • Demonstrate summarizing as a form of synthesizing information

To receive full credit for this module, you will need to complete the "My Research Strategy Worksheet" and submit it to your Jaguar Tracks instructor.