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Jaguar Tracks II

Information Literacy Module Assignment Details

One of the assignments for your Jaguar Tracks II course requires you to review the Information Literacy Module.

After you have completed the module you will need to complete the "My Research Strategy" worksheet and submit it to your Jaguar Tracks instructor in order to receive credit for the assignment. A copy of the assignment can be found below.

Research Topic Examples

Research Topics: Examples

  1. What are some ways to improve the success of first generation college students?
  2. How can cultural diversity in the workplace improve team performance?
  3. What are the effects of community policing in multicultural neighborhoods?
  4. What is the significance of clothing to the identity of various cultures?
  5. How can religious acceptance promote peace around the world?
  6. How can I increase my cultural awareness as I prepare to study abroad in Europe?
  7. How has globalization affected families in developing countries?

Database Suggestion

Academic Search Complete is a good database for starting your search.