Please visit our calendar for a day by day breakdown of the library's hours of operation.
Looking for a quiet place to study or a space to collaborate with group members? The library has lots of study rooms to fit your needs. Visit this calendar to select the date/time you wish to reserve your room.
This guide is intended to be a starting point for students who are trying to locate resources on electronic systems engineering technology. See the tabs for more information on finding articles, books and additional resources. Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you have any questions!
"Engineering Technologists apply engineering and scientific knowledge combined with technical skills to support engineering activities... Engineering Technologists typically concentrate their activities on applied design, using current engineering practice... They play key roles on the engineering team - in product development, manufacturing, product assurance, sales and program management." (
Find A Specific Journal: If you are looking for a certain journal or to find an article from a citation, click the link and then click the Articles tab.