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Veterans Resource Guide


The purpose of this guide is to provide the Texas A&M University-San Antonio community with knowledge about military culture and about the veteran experience.  Furthermore, this guide serves as a resource for currently enrolled student veterans at Texas A&M University-San Antonio.  

Patriots' Casa

The Patriots’ Casa is one of the first of its kind as a standalone and central campus building where military community students can study, relax, and engage in co-curricular activities alongside other University students. The mission of the Patriots' Casa is to provide academic, life, and career skills support for student veterans, military personnel and their military families enrolled at our university. The Casa's dual purpose is to help ensure our students in the military community and their families achieve their academic objectives and are equipped for post-graduation success.

Visit this site for a 360 degree tour of the Patriots' Casa.

Veterans Affairs Certification Office

The goal of the Veterans Affairs Certification Office is to provide quality service to our students who have served our country on active duty, and as reservists, National Guard, and their dependents (spouses and children). The Office expands our military-friendly services and programs for America’s finest who are returning home from over sea’s by preparing them with all information on well earned and deserved educational benefits.  For more information please contact (210) 784-1397 or

Contact Information

Directory information for current members of the Office of Military Affairs staff can be found on the contact us portion of their website.

For questions, please contact

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Library Information

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For other ways to connect with us visit our Contact Us page.

Please visit our calendar for a day by day breakdown of the library's hours of operation.

Looking for a quiet place to study or a space to collaborate with group members?  The library has lots of study rooms to fit your needs.  Visit this calendar to select the date/time you wish to reserve your room.