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SOCI 3340: Environmental Sociology Research Guide

Subject Overview

According to the American Sociological Association section on Environment and Technology, Environmental Sociology explores the various forms of interactions between human society and the environment.

Some examples of what Environmental Sociologists study include:

  • How do social, political, and technological factors contribute to the pollution and wasteful use of resources that threaten ecosystems, humans, and other species?
  • Why do environmental problems, such as toxic waste dumps, so frequently end up in poor and minority neighborhoods in the U.S... and in poor nations abroad, and how can these inequalities be eliminated?
  • How do societies cope with environmental and technological disasters, and how can we develop more effective coping strategies?
  • What factors influence public opinion about environmental problems, and do how local, national, and international public opinion influence government policies and programs to protect the environment?


This guide is meant to be a starting point in assisting students in Environmental Sociology courses by helping them to find articles, book/e-books, and other useful information that will enhance their assignments. See the tabs above for more information on finding articles, books and additional resources. Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you have any questions!

Suggested Databases for Subject

The following databases allow you to search thousands of scholarly journal articles , conference papers and other similar research documents by keywords, author or other criteria.

Search Tip:  An article doesn't have to restate your exact thesis to be useful, try to find bits of evidence in the literature that supports your thesis.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar allows you to search for scholarly literature on the web, including articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from one place. You can also access library resources from  Google Scholar as well!

If you are on-campus, you will be automatically recognized as a member of the A&M-SA community. If you are off-campus, you will need to configure the settings for Google Scholar so that it knows you are a member of the A&M-SA community. Please see How to Set Up Google Scholar for Off-Campus Use for instructions.

Suggested Journals

Below are a few examples of scholarly journals that the University Library subscribes to in the area of Environmental Sociology.

Find a Specific Journal or Article

Find a Specific Journal

To Find an Article from a Citation, click the link above and then click the Articles tab.

A Note on Peer Review

Why is Peer Review Important?

Peer reviewed articles are articles that have been evaluated by the writer's colleagues (peers).  The idea with peer review is that the reviewers uphold standards within the field in terms of research methodology, style, ethics, etc. 

Most academic databases will allow you to find peer reviewed articles by simply checking a box as you refine your search. 

search boxes for Education Source database plus indication of where to check scholarly (peer reviewed) journals as a limiter


Need a reminder on the peer review process?  Check out this video by NCSU Libraries.