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Philosophy Research Guide


Welcome to the Philosophy Guide! This guide is intended to be a starting point for students taking Philosophy courses by providing information on how to obtain books/e-books, peer-reviewed articles, as well as writing and citing help. Click on the tabs above for more information.  Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you have any questions!

Getting Started

Search the database Credo to familiarize yourself with and explore your topic. Credo Reference gives you access to over 600 reputable encyclopedias online. Short encyclopedia articles can help you to quickly identify concepts, topics, issues, and keywords for your topic.   Credo is a scholarly version of Wikipedia and comes with properly formatted citations!

Search A&M-SA's Library Catalog

Catalog Search Tips

You can search the library's catalog to find both books and articles. Please be aware that it sometimes appears that we own a copy of book, but it is the book review. If we own the title, "Texas A&M University-San Antonio Library" will appear on the last line of the citation. The library's catalog also gathers titles that appear within San Antonio area libraries and throughout the world. These books will either have "At San Antonio Libraries" or "At other libraries worldwide" on the last line. Any book that is tagged "At San Antonio Libraries" can be checked out by using a TexShare card. For any book that is tagged "At other libraries worldwide" an Interlibrary Loan request can be made to get that book to the patron.

Subject Searches

Below are links to related books for topics in Philosophy. Click on the subject headings and you will see similiarly themed works:

Philosophy-- Encyclopedias.

Philosophers-- Ancient.

Political science-- Philosophy.


Art-- Philosophy.

Social -- Philosophy

Ethics & Moral Philosophy.

Examples of Books in the Library