Use the link above to look up a specific journal or article.
If you see this button while searching in one of our databases:
Click on the button and it will search within the library's databases to find the full text version of the article for you. If the full text version cannot be found, simply click on Request item via ILL and it will request the article for you through our Interlibrary Loan system, ILLiad. The article will then be emailed to your Jaguar account within a week or two.
Don't forget to select the scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles option.
A comprehensive source of full-text for sports and sports medicine journals.
The Health & Medical Collection is a comprehensive medical information resource providing full-text journal content, reference ebooks, and evidence-based resources, including dissertations and systematic reviews.
A service of the National Library of Medicine that provides access to over 11 million citations from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full-text articles and other related resources.
This resource provides scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Coverage of nursing and allied health is particularly strong.
Provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine.
BioMed Central is a publisher of 220 open access, peer-reviewed journals in science, technology, and medicine. Subject coverage ranges from anesthesiology to blood disorders, infectious diseases, plant biology, and sports medicine.
A valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multidisciplinary database with full-text peer-reviewed journal articles, monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
Access multidisciplinary research delivered with info on emerging trends, subject specific content, and analysis tools. Includes Emerging Sources Citation Index: 2005-present, the Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index, 1980-present.
Use the list of suggested journals or the Find a Specific Journal Tool on the Library's home page, to locate the journal home page from within the library databases.
When the result page for the journal appears in WorldCat (the library catalog) it will show you which database(s) includes coverage of the journal. Click on the link for the journal title to open the record page for the journal within the database.
The journal record page offers important information about the journal, and in this case, offers links to all the issues of the journal, organized by year, in a vertical list on the right side of the screen. Above the Publication Details heading, there is also a link labeled "Search within this publication." Clicking here will open up a page with the advanced search screen for the database.
The Journal Name (JN) symbol is automatically entered into the first search box. You can then use the other empty search boxes to enter keywords or other search terms to describe your topic. Your results will be limited to matching articles from the specific journal, in this case, Journal of Sport Behavior.
Peer review is the rigorous process scholarly resources go through to become published. Most often when we talk about peer review, we are talking about journal articles going through the process, but some books do also. Peer review typically involves review boards of experts in a topic or discipline who read and evaluate submitted articles/materials to determine if they meet the standards for publication. This review involves more than just looking at the article's format, rather also examining thoroughness of the literature review, soundness of methodology, accuracy of results, and logic behind conclusions that are drawn. Often articles are returned to the authors for revisions before final publication.