Due to scheduled maintenance, the library's catalog, off-campus access to library resources, and linking to the library's catalog may be unavailable from Friday December 20, 2024 at 11:00 PM to Saturday December 21, 2024 at 12:00 PM.
EBSCO eBooks have a known printing issue within the Chrome browser. The vendor is aware of the issue and is working on a fix.
Access to the ERIC database is active through EBSCO, but full-text for some documents may not be available. “PDF Release Pending” means that the document cannot be released electronically at this time due to concerns about personally identifiable information in some older, non-peer reviewed documents. No other EBSCO databases are affected.
Please email to report issues accessing a database not listed in the alerts.
Current students, faculty, and staff at A&M-SA can access the library's online databases from anywhere they have an Internet connection:
Students: Use your Jaguar Login. Your username is your K Number or a combination of your name (jsmith34).
Faculty/Staff: Your username is your network ID.
Students: Your password is what you use to log in to the computers on-campus.
Faculty/Staff: Your password is your network password.
Students – Having trouble logging in?
For other ways to connect with us visit our Contact Us page.
Please visit our calendar for a day by day breakdown of the library's hours of operation.
Looking for a quiet place to study or a space to collaborate with group members? The library has lots of study rooms to fit your needs. Visit this calendar to select the date/time you wish to reserve your room.