H5P is a free and open software tool (licensed by MIT) for creating various types of interactive content. It is available as a plug-in for Drupal or WordPress sites or as downloadable software. Example types of content include games, questions, image hotspots, 360-degree tours, and more
The 5 Rs of OER Revisited: Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, & Redistribute
True OER is more than just free content to use in courses
Revising and remixing of content are what allow for innovation, customization, and open pedagogy
Materials are most easily revised and remixed when they are not tied to a specific software program or proprietary platform
This means in order to allow for the greatest amount of reuse, revision, and remixing, OER creators need to consider the tools they are using to make the resources.
Create Your Own OER
Are you creating educational materials to use in your courses?
Consider making these resources accessible to a wider audience.
The tools in the list below will allow you to create your own materials from scratch and/or edit already available OERs.
Includes access to three tools: Resource Builder, Lesson Builder (K-12), and Module Builder (Higher Education). Lesson Builder and Module Builder allow the creator to build both student- and instructor-facing content views with a relatively simple authoring interface.
Join the MERLOT community to be able to search, access, save, add, and author open materials across a wide range of academic disciplines and support areas. MERLOT's Content Builder allows users to create materials within the MERLOT repository using a variety of basic-structure- and shared, more specific templates.
The REBUS Projects tool helps oer authors work together and manage their workflows to create open resources. REBUS Projects uses Pressbooks as its publishing platform. Signing up is simple and free, plus it allows the user to connect with existing oer projects or launch a new one.
A recipient of the $5 million Open Textbooks Pilot Program award from the US Department of Education in 2018, "the LibreTexts mission is to unite students, faculty and scholars in a cooperative effort to develop an easy-to-use online platform for the construction, customization, and dissemination of open educational resources (OER) to reduce the burdens of unreasonable textbook costs to our students and society."
Includes the Textbook Editor tool for creating OER materials from scratch as well as the OER Importer which allows the user to convert existing documents and other materials to OER for editing and/or publishing in OER repositories.
According to its website, "OpenLearn Create is an innovative leading open educational platform where individuals and organisations can publish their open content, open courses and resources. It is Moodle based and has tools for collaboration, reuse and remixing."
Inkscape is a powerful, free, and open drawing and graphics design tool
GIMP"is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes."
Audacity is a "free, open source cross-platform audio software" that allows for easy recording and editing of audio files
Ardour is a free tool allowing user to "edit, record, and mix on Linux, macOS, and Windows"
Interactive Content (Tutorials)
H5P is a free and open software tool (licensed by MIT) for creating various types of interactive content. It is available as a plug-in forDrupal or WordPress sites or as downloadable software. Example types of content include games, questions, image hotspots, 360-degree tours, and more
Hypothes.is is a free and open source tool that allows for online, interactive and collaborative annotation of web content