Please visit our calendar for a day by day breakdown of the library's hours of operation.
Looking for a quiet place to study or a space to collaborate with group members? The library has lots of study rooms to fit your needs. Visit this calendar to select the date/time you wish to reserve your room.
The A&M-SA Library provides access to approximately 300 databases that can be searched for information. Some of these databases cover several subject areas (ProQuest Central, JSTOR), while others are more specific to individual disciplines or groups of related fields (APA PsycInfo, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ERIC). Some databases and search tools are best for locating materials in specific formats like books/e-books, streaming video, or news sources.
So how do you choose which databases or other tools to use in your searches?
Woman, Brain, Thinking image by chenspec is available for use under a Pixabay license
Not sure what a peer-reviewed article is, or how to borrow a book that is owned by another library--We offer answers to these questions and more!